Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Team Building Activities to Help Your Company Grow

Team is a group of individuals with complementary skills who work together for accomplishing common goals. Working in teams helps build synergy between its members and, as a result, the work, at hand, gets efficiently done. Team building activities are simple ways to help your employees improve their capacity to work together more productively. These activities are fun events but they teach you powerful lessons about problem solving, communication, trust and respect among team members. The participants as well as the management are benefitted from these lessons.

Teamwork minimizes business costs and time hiring and training new staff. Socialize with whom you work with a lot can help build the team to allow everyone to get to know in a casual. Activities should be chosen specifically for your team to do so may be more of a waste of time that an investment of it. Understanding your team as whole and individual members is essential. There are many more team building ideas that can be used to promote teamwork. The mine field is a simple exercise which can be performed either outdoor or indoor. This activity does not require any special props. You need to prepare a mine field by placing any kind of obstacles randomly. Then you have to form pairs from the participants. This can be done by randomly drawing names from a hat. The idea of this team building activity is one member of a pair will be blindfolded and has to cover the field without touching any obstacle. Another member will guide him by communicating and giving direction to him. This activity helps to build trust and improve communication skills within team members. Group juggle is another popular corporate team building activities which helps to develop the problem solving capability of a team and cooperation of its members to solve the problem. Communication exercises are also very effective kinds of team building activities. You can give your teams certain problems or issues which can only be solved by communication, so they are motivated to communicate with each other. For example, you could devise a game such as survival scenarios. Give them an unfortunate scenario, and tell your teams to come up with plans to cope with these scenarios, and then present their plan in front of everyone.
Team building Sydney is fast becoming a more popular way for building high a performing team that helps them realize their key business goals. Team building activities Sydney should involve as many people from the company as possible, and many businesses have found that scavenger hunts work really well. Each team contains a member form each department, so that it is a social time to get to know members from these other departments while having fun.

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